Thursday, March 15, 2018


my father's slide

another of my father's

in Costa Rica

close up

full glory

My father liked to photograph zoo animals. When we lived in the Southern Tier
of NY, off to the Buffalo zoo. Here in Michigan, we were only about 5 miles
from the Detroit Zoo where he had a special parking place and free admission
in return for his photos. Both zoos had peacocks roaming freely. I often was
with him being his Sherpa as he had lots of equipment. Another of my jobs
was to entice peacocks into displaying their tail feathers. They will spread their
feathers to entice females but will do it if a male is close by. My father
constructed a mirror from a large piece of cardboard and foil. Peacocks are not smart;
they will think their image is another male. At the animal rescue center, there were
two males close to each other. The one above went into display mode though the
other didn't. Too bad as it would be a great shot if they had a face off.

On my runs, I often hear the screeches of peacocks as people keep them as pets.
The commercial orchard I run by is only open in the fall.,keeps them in the kids'
petting zoo. So my early morning run past there treats me with the aroma of
frying doughnuts and the jungle sounds of the peacocks.

The sandhill cranes are back as their calls can be heard for a mile and the red wing
black birds are doing their spring trills. The calendar says it is close to spring
but every morning for the past 2 weeks has been twenty or below. Cold, cold,
cold. And one morning, all was covered in black ice so I had to wait to go to
Steve's gym, a time consuming project if I go with him. Our juncos are still
here, snow birds. They know it is still winter.

I'm to select a medicare gap plan today. I guess I can always choose another if
I don't like my choice this year. Our company did give us somewhat subsidized
health insurance but their medigap plan for retirees is extremely expensive
compared to the open market. And renewing a driver's license is going to be
an ordeal as now they have to be TSA compliant if I ever want to fly pass
2020. I have to show up with my birth certificate and marriage certificate.

Waiting for least we have more light

1 comment:

Elephant's Child said...

On this side of the world autumn is in retreat. Again. We had a few blissfully cool days and nights but by Sunday we will be nudging 100 again.
Good luck with your necessary (but time consuming and frustrating) chores.


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