Thursday, May 15, 2014

Agave swan song

The agave flower stalk which is still growing. In a week or two, they will need to open the top of the greenhouse if it keeps growing. It will flower maybe in a month. The blossom will last a few weeks and then the plant will die after living 80 years

Base of the agave
We went today to see this once in a lifetime blossoming of the century plant, a type of agave. Alas it has not started blooming. It is getting national attention. But it was fun seeing other things in bloom, especially the bromeliads. And I never saw their expanded out door bonsai and penjing display before.

Two bromeliads


I like their chairs


cacao bean

Pitcher plant
I love their gate to keep the deer out
It has been raining hard for 4 days now making running and bicycling difficult.The winds Tuesday were even stronger than those on tornado day knocking down numerous trees. And there is a frost warning tonight!

Still I manage to keep myself entertained. Yesterday I watched Ms. Tess and later went to the 5th anniversary of our cooking for survival class. Subject of our class: grains. My favorite survivor Hope was there. Good discussions as usual.  Best dish? A variety of waldorf salad containing wheatberries and mangoes along with the usual walnuts and apples. Also good: a roasted vegetable concoction that contained farro.
And today, a visit with a friend to catch the agave plant bloom. Well we got there too early.

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