Monday, June 11, 2012

In one nostril; out the other

We practiced one nostril breathing at my breast cancer yoga today. We are not so good that we can do this without the help of a finger.
What do I hope to get from this?
I am so inflexible. The latest indignities: it hurts to look over my shoulder to see if there is traffic while biking and it is even harder to get off my  bike. We stretched those inner thigh muscles so maybe that will help.

Yesterday I found 3 deer in 3 different places on the road while I was biking. They stopped and stared.
Today it finally rained. We really needed it. The expressway was closed the other day due to a median fire.

Yesterday, a good portion of the day was spent with Josh. Today: grandbabies. Maya in the morning and Shanna's three this afternoon. In between, I ran in the rain.

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