Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Three week Canadian Study

Six down; ten to go. I seem to be the first person treated at UM with the 3 week course of radiation vs the usual 6 week course. I will receive 42 vs the usual 46 rads total giving me 2.66 rads x16 fractions with no boosts. So far so good except today I feel nausea and a little breast soreness. For info see http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/23/health/research/23canc.html.

Yesterday my blog seemed unusually popular (150 hits vs the usual 25) but the phrase E****uake in Abr***o caused all the traffic. I will see if the stars cut down on it. Too bad I hadn't signed up for the 'monetize' option. If you put ads on your blog, you get paid by the number of hits. So lots of hits especially from Canada where many Italian immigrants settled from Abru**o as in the Detroit area. With the stat counter, I can tell what phrase was googled. Prior to yesterday," thyroid ablation "seemed to generate the most hits. "Naomi I moan" even generated a hit from someone looking for palindromes. But 'triple negative' has led many to this blog.

The death toll from the Terremoto (earthquake) continues to climb. Word from Gagliano and Castelvecchio is that everyone is fine, just some minor structural damage although the monastery we stayed in last summer needs major repairs now. I hope my young friends from L'Aquila were untouched.

Naomi came with us for the buffet at WCC yesterday as the snow closed the schools. We had the place to ourselves. Such a good place, they really need to work on advertising. We then watched chick flicks together. The roads were too slippery for a run.

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